A safe combo for lovers of the Mediterranean sun: D vitamin + a beautiful, golden and long-lasting tan!
D Päike is a unique and modern tanning concept, which provides a healthy, safe, beautiful and long-lasting Mediterranean tan. In addition to a beautiful and healthy suntan, you will also get the dose of vitamin D that your body needs.
Good things to know about D päike:
- The radiation intensity of D päike tanning lamps is equivalent to natural sunlight. In other words, when tanning under D Päike lamps, the dose of UV rays you will receive is similar to that of the Mediterranean sun at midday. The tanning result is natural, beautiful and long-lasting.
- The advantage of D päike (over ordinary solariums) is the low UV-intensity lamps (i.e. there is less risk of getting a sunburn when tanning under D päike lamps).
- The D Päike tanning session last a bit longer (min 10 min, max 20 min), but a much better tanning result will be achieved than in an ordinary solarium (the pigment generation process is similar to tanning naturally under the sun).
- Three to four sessions are recommended to achieve a long-lasting tan in D Päike solariums. You should also take into consideration the fact that if you have not tanned before (there is a low level of pigment in the skin) the pigment generation takes slightly longer, usually three to five days. This means it will take a few days before you see the final tanning result. However, by using professional tanning cosmetics that include natural tanning agents, you can achieve a faster tanning result, which will be apparent within two hours of tanning.
- D päike and natural sunlight are the most natural sources of vitamin D. Many studies, including those conducted in Estonia, confirm that at our latitude up to 90% of people do not get sufficient vitamin D due to the lack of sunlight. However, one session per week at a d Päike solarium can provide up to 10,000 IU per day, which significantly improves the body’s immunity and reduces the risk of various illnesses.
We currently provide D Päike tanning services at all D Päike, Päike and Päikesekiir salons in Estonia.